[postgis-devel] Caching Double-based Boxes

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Sat Nov 26 12:44:16 PST 2011

Hi All-

  I have devised a second set of tests, based on the first run and 
some suggestions. 
There are three sets of results for each of the source builds, float 
bbox and double bbox. 
The condensed records are here:



* there is one test result in one run that was lost.. 

* I have not analyzed these numbers.. I expect people will want to do 
that for themselves. 
Barring an undiscovered problem in the setup, there are very large 
differences in run times
for the double-boxes branch, but almost entirely consistant run times 
for the float-trunk

* The third run in each case was after a database restart, in order, 
from top to bottom. 
The isolated numbers in the columns are 'cold' bbox hits.. much much 
larger than 
running them a second time, so I noted them as an aside

best regards from San Francisco, California

Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
415-717-4462 cell

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