[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Github move from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com - big mess now sorry

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Wed Sep 30 11:25:56 PDT 2020

Okay I may have made a mess of things but I was trying to help Philip (who
manages the postgis-java and postgis-docker repos) on Github. To move those
to travis-ci.com.

I've realized I'm way over my head on this Github mess.  I suspect the best
course of action is to move all to travis-ci.com.

Can someone with a clue take this over.

Plus 1 to move it all from travis-ci.org -> travis-ci.com  as I expect we'll
be forced to anyway.

For context, please look at the PostGIS irc log of today:


Starting at - 17:20:40


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