Paul Ramsey pramsey at
Thu Jan 18 08:13:04 PST 2024

Just a reminder, if you build postgis with —enable-debug, the PARANOIA_LEVEL gets bumped up, and that can have huge performance effects which make any kind of benchmarking a whack-a-mole process. 

I guess I internalized the idea that —enable-debug would just drop a ‘-g’ flag into the build and that’s about it, but in fact it has these other deleterious effects. Among other things, it makes lwcollection_add_lwgeom a couple orders of magnitude slower.

Anyways, super important for anyone building for release too. You aren’t just getting debug symbols! 

I wonder if we should split off —enable-debug from other “developer affordances”, in a different option, kind of like how pgsql as —enable-cassert and some other #define only options for things like memory checking and so on. 


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