[postgis-users] Building Postgres under FreeBSD 4.7

Benjamin Thelen benjamin.thelen at ccgis.de
Sun Mar 23 10:09:37 PST 2003


I am quite new to Unix and started with FreeBSD 4.7. I've installed
postgresql 7.2.2 via the ports collection and it is running.
Additionally I downloaded the postgresql source tree, built it
(/.configure, make) and added the postgis source code into
postgresql/contrib./postgis After that I compiled the proj4 library
without problems. Then I tried to compile postgis 0.7.2, but the process
stops with an error message like you find below. I then deleted the
0.7.2 Code and took 0.7.4. The message between 0.7.2 and 0.7.4 differs a
little but both are telling something about missing dependency operator
and so on.

bsd# cd /root/tmp/postgresql-7.2.2/postgresql-7.2.2/contrib/postgis/
bsd# make
line 25:
 Missing dependency operator
line 29:
 Need an operator
line 33:
 Need an operator
Error expanding embedded variable.

I read a thread in the postgis mailing list about FreeBSD and postgis
but it doesn't help very much, because there is just one thing mentioned
what must be changed (add "include "machine/endian.h"" to
postgis_debug.c), but the rest of the necessary changes are not
mentioned at all. He also says it is difficult for a novice to compile

Here are the first lines of the postgis 0.7.4 Makefile, where I've
changed the USE_PROJ to 1.

Configuration Directives

# Set USE_PROJ to 1 for Proj4 reprojection support

# Set USE_STATS to 1 for new GiST statistics collection support
# Note that this support requires additional columns in 
# GEOMETRY_COLUMNS, so see the list archives for info or
# install a fresh database using postgis.sql


What can I do to have it running? I would think it is something what
must be changed in the Makefile, but I guess I am wrong. I don't know
where to start my error search. Is it easier to take Linux?

Thanks in advance,

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