[postgis-users] Updated Cygwin PostGIS installer

Steffen Macke sdteffen at web.de
Thu Sep 25 07:46:25 PDT 2003

Hello All,

an updated version of the Cygwin PostGIS installer is available from


This installer works with the latest Cygwin PostgreSQL version (7.3.4-2)
which is using cygipc-2.0. It also sets the "Password never expires"
flag for the Windows postgres user.

The good news: With cygipc included in the Cygwin distribution now,
the Windows PostgreSQL installation has become simpler.

The bad news: The Windows installation instructions under
are outdated in respect to CygIPC.

Would it be possibile to update the answer the question "Is there a 
precompiled Windows binary available?" on the PostGIS
documentation page with a link to the page mentioned above?


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