[postgis-users] Storing a Polygon that Crosses the Date Line

Peter Macharrie pmacharr at g0mos16.gsfcmo.ecs.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 3 06:51:29 PST 2005


I'm trying to insert a polygon that crosses the dateline (+/- 180 
longitude). When I insert the polygon

  4698716 | SRID=4269;POLYGON((-17.1835 -169.2747,-20.3355 
168.6727,-2.2927 165.4961,0.6245 -173.5782,-17.1835 -169.2747))

it is retrieved by the query:

select granuleId, "PolyContainer" from t1 where "PolyContainer"  && 
geomfromText( 'POINT(0.0 0.0)', 4269) order by granuleId limit 100;

We were expecting that the polygon would cross the date line (+/- 180.0 
longitude), but it looks like the boundaries are being
drawn across 0.0 longitude. Is there a way to draw the boundary across 
the dateline?



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