[postgis-users] pgsql2shp buffer

Purvis, Charlton cpurvis at asg.sc.edu
Fri Mar 25 11:25:47 PST 2005

Hi, folks:

I'm curious if pgsql2shp writes to a buffer of some sort before it actually
starts writing to a .dbf.  I'm trying to dump about 0.5 million rows which
shouldn't be too bad and shouldn't take too long.  However, pgsql2shp seems
to sit there w/ only a 1 byte (or KB?) .dbf.  Should I turn on debugging?
I'd hate to recompile PostGIS.

If I type a select * from table_name (the one I'm trying to create the shp
from), it returns w/i a minute or two.  But I'm sure psql is doing buffering
of its own.




Charlton Purvis
(803) 777-8858 : voice
(803) 777-3935 : fax
cpurvis at sc.edu
Baruch Institute
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

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