[postgis-users] Geometry representation (was: PostGIS Geometry column)

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Mon Feb 20 01:52:23 PST 2006

To make some light on the question:

PostGIS *NEVER* stored geometries in Text format.
Internal representation has always been in binary form.

The difference between 0.x and 1.x is the
*canonical text output representation*

The canonical text output representation is what you get
when fetching a Geometry object from a text cursor. This
is what you get with the 'psql' monitor application, for

Most importantly, canonical text output representation is
the representation used when *dumping* a database. This
is the exact reason why it changed betseen 0.x and 1.x:
to allow lossless dump/restore operations.

I hope this clarify things.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 10:20:38AM +0100, Oleg wrote:
> Dear All,
> While workin with PostgreSQL 7.4.6 Geometry was stored as String for 
> example:
> SRID=-1;POINT(135.744865606022 304.591390378093)
> Now we have installed PostgreSQL 8.1.3. and included in the installer 
> PostGIS.
> Geometries are stored in a different format for example:
> 01010000003E580C9953964A41F76AF257F9CD5441
> Is there a way to set up PostgreSQL8.1 or PostGIS to store geometries in 
> String format as it was prviously?
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Oleg

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