[postgis-users] US counties to Spatial_ref_sys?

Darryl Watson dwatson at roof-express.com
Sun Feb 26 11:16:19 PST 2006

I was afraid that we would have to manually pick SRIDs for each SPCS 
zone, but it sounds like that is what we must do.  Doh!

Yes, my company is located in the DTC area.  I am new to GIS 
applications, but I must admit the discipline contains a surprising bit 
of geeky pleasure! 

Michael Fuhr wrote:

>The following page has a spreadsheet that correlates US counties
>with State Plane and UTM zones:
>You could export the spreadsheet to text and copy it into a table
>in the database; that would allow you to go from lat/lon to SPCS
>zone.  The next job would be to correlate SPCS zones with SRIDs.
>Several mappings might be possible; for example, Colorado Central
>(0502) could be any of the following:
> srid  |                 zone                  
>  2232 | NAD83 / Colorado Central (ftUS)
>  2773 | NAD83(HARN) / Colorado Central
>  2877 | NAD83(HARN) / Colorado Central (ftUS)
> 26954 | NAD83 / Colorado Central
> 26754 | NAD27 / Colorado Central
>Unless somebody already has SPCS-to-SRID data or can suggest a
>better idea, you might be able to use the proj4 files nad27, nad83,
>and nad.lst to create your own entries in spatial_ref_sys or to
>match SPCS zones against existing SRIDs by comparing zone names
>and/or proj4 parameters.  I've been playing around with that with
>some success.
>Incidentally, I think I'm only a few miles north of your company;
>I'm in the Denver Tech Center.

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