[postgis-users] points in polygon

Josh Livni josh at livniconsulting.com
Fri Mar 31 15:49:40 PST 2006

Yeah - that does seem a bit slow for 8k points.  For what it's worth, I 
found a similar PIP query that had about a half million points sped up 
almost an order of magnitude when I changed my .conf from the default, 
and to use more memory.


Ethan Alpert wrote:
> Since when is 8,000 points a s*** load? Something's not right here it
> shouldn't take that long. Something must be wrong with the spatial
> index. I'd like to see his explain output from the query below.
> -e
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
> Ramsey
> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 4:08 PM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] points in polygon
> It's not hackish, it is the solution.  The problem is that he clearly  
> has a s***load of points inside LA, so even with the index taking out  
> all the non-candidates, there are an *awfully* large number of tests  
> to be run with full topological correctness by Contains().
> This brings up a short-circuit we had discussed previously for the  
> point-in-polygon case, which is to recognize that case when it arises  
> and do the far cheaper PIP test instead of the full topological test.
> A true "hack" which is approximately equivalent is this:
> SELECT  point.id
> FROM    point, polygon
> WHERE   (polygon.fips = '0644000')
>        AND point.the_geom && polygon.the_geom
>        AND distance(polygon.the_geom, point.the_geom) < 0.001;
> It will still not take milliseconds, because there are still scads  
> and scads of points being run through the Distance() function, but it  
> will be somewhat faster than Contains().  Really, Josh's solution is  
> the real one for things like this: pre-calculate the answer.  If your  
> points are dynamic (I doubt your city boundary is) then add a trigger  
> to the points table that re-calculates the city containment  
> information on update/insert.
> Paul
> On 31-Mar-06, at 2:17 PM, Josh Livni wrote:
>>This does not answer your question of speedy spatial calcuation,  
>>but assuming your points are fairly static, you could add a field  
>>like in_polygon, run for all points, index on that field, and query  
>>on that, saving you from needing to run the spatial query each time.
>>If you get new points, you could have a couple queries, running the  
>>spatial one just on those with no set value in that field.
>>I know it's hackish, and again not a direct answer to your  
>>question, but I find pre-calculating on mostly static datasets gets  
>>me a great boost in speed for many scenarios.
>>  -Josh
>>Young Kim wrote:
>>>thanks all for your responses.
>>>the solution that you all provided did work, but my main problem is
>>>that i need the query to run FAST.
>>>BOX, WITHIN and INTERSECTS all runs in 140000~170000 ms ranges.
>>>I tried with smaller cities, and they run in good time.
>>>"santa monica" runs in 130 ms.
>>>Is it then the area that i'm joining against is too large or too  
>>>With all the gist indices on "the_geom" columns in place and "vacuum
>>>analyze" run, I would think it should not take 3 minuts to run a
>>>On 3/31/06, Bruce Rindahl <rindahl at lrcwe.com> wrote:
>>>>I don't this is even that complicated.
>>>>SELECT  point.id
>>>>FROM    point, polygon
>>>>WHERE   (polygon.fips = '0644000')
>>>>      AND point.the_geom && polygon.the_geom
>>>>      AND intersects(polygon.the_geom, point.the_geom);
>>>>The first clause checks for only LA county.
>>>>The next clause checks if the bounding box of the point is within  
>>>>bounding box of the polygon.  (very fast if the GIST indexes are  
>>>>Finally anything that matches the first two is checked for an actual
>>>>Bruce Rindahl
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
>>>>[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
>>>>Matthew Perry
>>>>Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 12:03 PM
>>>>To: PostGIS Users Discussion
>>>>Subject: Re: [postgis-users] points in polygon
>>>>Perhaps you can try WITHIN instead of CONTAINS?
>>>>Within(geometry A, geometry B)
>>>>   Returns 1 (TRUE) if Geometry A is "spatially within" Geometry B.
>>>>- matt
>>>>On 3/31/06, Young Kim <youngkkim at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Thanks for your prompt response.
>>>>>I have tried :
>>>>>SELECT  point.id
>>>>>FROM    point, polygon
>>>>>WHERE   (polygon.fips = '0644000')
>>>>>     and point.the_geom && SetSRID('BOX3D(-118.668411254883
>>>>>33.7045364379883,-117.753349304199 34.3367500305176)'::box3d,-1)
>>>>>         AND (contains(polygon.the_geom, point.the_geom));
>>>>>got ~146000ms.
>>>>>could not get "makebox2d" to work. syntax errors. i'm very new to
>>>>>On 3/31/06, David Bitner <osgis.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Have you tried creating a bounding box out of the x, y pair you  
>>>>>>using and then using the && operator on that rather than using the
>>>>>>x>,y> statements.
>>>>>>See MakeBox2D in http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch06.html
>>>>>>On 3/31/06, Young Kim <youngkkim at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>hello all,
>>>>>>>looking to select points in a polygon FAST. Seems like a simple
>>>>>>>problem, but could not find good doc anywhere.
>>>>>>>Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>points - 8663 points in greater los angeles area.
>>>>>>>         - has "gist" index on "the_geom"
>>>>>>>polygon - city of los angeles
>>>>>>>           - has "gist" index on "the_geom"
>>>>>>>           - has "btree" index on "fips"
>>>>>>>also ran "vaccum analyze"
>>>>>>>looking to select all points in city of los angeles.
>>>>>>>out of 8663, 3248 points are contained in city of los angeles
>>>>>>>it takes ~163000 ms. that's roughly 3 minutes.
>>>>>>>How can I make this faster?
>>>>>>>QUERY (x,y values are extent of polygon):
>>>>>>>SELECT   point.id
>>>>>>>FROM      point, polygon
>>>>>>>WHERE   (x >= -118.668411254883)
>>>>>>>      AND (y >= 33.7045364379883)
>>>>>>>      AND (x <= -117.753349304199)
>>>>>>>      AND (y <= 34.3367500305176)
>>>>>>>      AND (polygon.fips = '0644000')
>>>>>>>      AND point.the_geom && polygon.the_geom
>>>>>>>      AND (contains(polygon.the_geom, point.the_geom))
>>>>>>>Aggregate  (cost=9.08..9.09 rows=1 width=4) (actual
>>>>>>>time=162893.411..162893.411 rows=1 loops=1)
>>>>>>>  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..9.05 rows=9 width=4) (actual
>>>>>>>time=4137.275..162885.507 rows=3248 loops=1)
>>>>>>>        Join Filter: contains("outer".the_geom, "inner".the_geom)
>>>>>>>        ->  Index Scan using idx_polygon_fips on polygon
>>>>>>>(cost=0.00..3.01 rows=1 width=9414) (actual time=0.013..0.017
>>>>>>>              Index Cond: ((fips)::text = '0644000'::text)
>>>>>>>        ->  Index Scan using idx_point_the_geom on point
>>>>>>>(cost=0.00..6.02 rows=1 width=25) (actual time=62.512..17889.149
>>>>>>>rows=7050 loops=1)
>>>>>>>              Index Cond: (point.the_geom && "outer".the_geom)
>>>>>>>              Filter: ((point.x >= -118.668411254883) AND
>>>>(point.y >=
>>>>>>>33.7045364379883) AND (point.x <= -117.753349304199) AND (point.y
>>>>>>>34.3367500305176) AND (point.the_geom && "outer".the_geom))
>>>>>>>Total runtime: 162893.483 ms
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