[postgis-users] MULTIPOINT geometry variable

Markus Schaber schabi at logix-tt.com
Wed Feb 14 10:22:25 PST 2007

Hi, Rodrigo,

"Rodrigo Martín LÓPEZ GREGORIO" <rodrigomlg at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

> I'm creating a postgres function and I need that it returns a multipoint
> geometry so then I access to the geometry returned using the
> geometryN(mymultipoint) function.
> I create "mymultipoint" variable like:
> mymultipoint geometry;
> but I could not find the way to add points to that geometry, except using a
> linestring and using the AddPoint() function. I dont know if there is a way
> to add some points to a geometry and then access its using the geometryN()
> function, but that is what I'm looking for.

I see several options:

Use geomunion() or collect() to collect and merge your points.

Create a String representation, and use GeomFromEWKT(), GeomFromText()
or MPointFromText().


Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

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