[postgis-users] Dilemma: is gid really useful in a geoDB?

Havard Tveite havard.tveite at umb.no
Thu Feb 22 03:07:13 PST 2007

In the relational model, the primary key can be a combination
of several attributes.  If you have such a combination of
attributes, there is (from the relational model's point of
view) no need for a separate gid.
Also, if geometry is considered fist class data type of the
(extended) relational model, location itself can, in principle,
act as (or be a part of) a primary key (as long as you can
guarantee that there is only one object per location).

As pointed out in several other postings, the "problem" is that
a lot of GIS software tend to rely on having a single attribute
primary key, and that this key has to be of a specific type.

The system (PostgreSQL) generated "oid" can also be used as a
primary key.


Marc Compte wrote:
> Hi,
> Ermm ... wasn't one of Codd's rules "Each and every datum (atomic value) 
> in a relational data base is guaranteed to be logically accessible by 
> resorting to a combination of table name, primary key value and column 
> name."?
> I find it surprising to see that "there's no need for a gid, from the 
> database point of view" and that primary keys are only needed because 
> "most applications want some way of identifying specific rows", as the 
> very core definition of the relational model clearly identifies this as 
> a crucial part of the model. Wanting to identify specific rows is not an 
> application oddity, it's part of the very definition of the model.
> Every table needs to have a key, not only to conform with the relational 
> model's theory, but for pragmatical purposes as well. Even (or 
> specially) from the database point of view, no key means there is no way 
> to update a unique field, there is no way to extract the information 
> about one individual record, there is no way to cross-reference tables 
> ... in short, no key means something like there is no relational 
> database, only a flat list of data ... and PostgreSQL, even though it 
> incorportes OO elements, has still a big part of relational, right?
> Whether you have to be using that particular field (gid) or not depends 
> on your data. I don't think naming your key field "gid" is defined in 
> any standard (it shouldn't be anyway). As other people said, shp2pgsql 
> automatically generates this one for you, but I assume that is just to 
> make your life easier and make sure there is at least one way to 
> uniquely identify records.
> The only important thing to do should be to make sure that there's at 
> least 1 field with values that can be used to uniquely identify any of 
> the records of your table. If you are sure there's another field (or 
> combination of fields) that serves the purpose right, you wouldn't 
> actually need to have that particular gid field. You should be able to 
> delete it and still be able to use on that table all of the features of 
> the database and any other surrounding application by using your own 
> self-made primary key.
> If an application has a problem with any of this (multiple field keys, 
> using a different name for the key field other than gid, ...) then you 
> could probably say it is not well designed and you might want to switch 
> to something else.
> Marc
> En/na Markus Schaber ha escrit:
>> Hi, Antonello,
>> Antonello <antonello.monetsen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a dilemma: is gid really useful in a geoDB?
>>> I am building a geodb for several harbor. When I create a layer(table 
>>> with geometry) in postgis, I need a gid like a primary key, or I can 
>>> use a different one? Can I  use several field of from the table like 
>>> a primary key?
>>> I am not new in the gis, but why in almost all geoDB I saw there is a 
>>> gid?! Is it really necessary? Do it come from shapefile standards?
>> Technically, there's no need for a gid, from the database point of
>> view, as SQL deals with sets of rows.
>> However, most applications want some way of identifying specific rows,
>> especially when updating / editing data.
>> GID is generated by shp2pgsql.
>>> For example QuantumGIS doesn't work if the layer has only one primary 
>>> key, there are other application that don't work like qGis?
>> QuantumGIS has the additional oddity that the primary key has to be of
>> type int4 - int8 or serial (which is optimal for primary keys) is not
>> accepted, AFAIK.
>> For read-only access, you can try MezoGIS which makes very little
>> assumptions about your database, and you can specify layers via
>> arbitrary queries.
>> Regards,
>> Markus
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Håvard Tveite
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB
Drøbakveien 14, POBox 5003, N-1432 Ås, NORWAY
Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 http://www.umb.no/imt

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