[postgis-users] Re: Project idea

Tim Keitt tkeitt at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 13:29:25 PST 2007

Also, here's a list of BGL algorithms supported:


   1. bgl_named_params
   2. Core Algorithm Patterns
         1. breadth_first_search
         2. breadth_first_visit
         3. depth_first_search
         4. depth_first_visit
         5. undirected_dfs
   3. Graph Algorithms
         1. Shortest Paths Algorithms
               1. dijkstra_shortest_paths
               2. bellman_ford_shortest_paths
               3. dag_shortest_paths
               4. johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths
               5. floyd_warshall_all_pairs_shortest_paths
         2. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
               1. kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree
               2. prim_minimum_spanning_tree
         3. Connected Components Algorithms
               1. connected_components
               2. strong_components
               3. biconnected_components
               4. articulation_points
               5. Incremental Connected Components
                     1. initialize_incremental_components
                     2. incremental_components
                     3. same_component
                     4. component_index
         4. Maximum Flow Algorithms
               1. edmunds_karp_max_flow
               2. push_relabel_max_flow
         5. Sparse Matrix Ordering Algorithms
               1. cuthill_mckee_ordering
               2. king_ordering
               3. minimum_degree_ordering
         6. topological_sort
         7. transitive_closure
         8. copy_graph
         9. transpose_graph
        10. isomorphism
        11. sequential_vertex_coloring
        12. sloan_ordering
        13. sloan_start_end_vertices
        14. ith_wavefront, max_wavefront, aver_wavefront, and rms_wavefront
        15. brandes_betweenness_centrality
        16. Layout algorithms
               1. random_graph_layout
               2. circle_layout
               3. kamada_kawai_spring_layout
               4. fruchterman_reingold_force_directed_layout
               5. gursoy_atun_layout
        17. Clustering algorithms
               1. betweenness_centrality_clustering
        18. astar_search


>It's already done (in some range):
>Mateusz Loskot

Timothy H. Keitt, University of Texas at Austin
Contact info and schedule at http://www.keittlab.org/tkeitt/
Reprints at http://www.keittlab.org/tkeitt/papers/
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