[postgis-users] Experiment: Glassfish/EJB3 and PostGIS

Bastian Voigt post at bastian-voigt.de
Thu May 10 05:40:12 PDT 2007

Hi *,
I would like to share my experiences with PostGIS on the Glassfish 
Application Server with EJB3. In short: It works, but there are some 
problems... please read on for more details:

I was able to use this very simple mapping for entity classes

class User
    private PGgeometry region;

    public Polygon getRegion()
          return (Polygon)region.getGeometry();

So far, it works very fine! I was amazed how easy this was...
Now the Setter:

public void setRegion(Polygon p)
    region = new PGgeometry(p);

Wow, really easy again. Now I'm able to use geo data in the EJB3 world. 
Queries with "intersects", "contains" etc. can be made as native SQL 

And now the big disappointment:

In my Session Bean I tried to create a User without a region, a NULL 
value should be stored in the database for the polygon:

User u = new User();

This gives the following exception:
ERROR: Column "region" is of type geometry, but the expression is of 
type "character varying"
Error Code: 0
Call:INSERT INTO webuser (lastname, region, address, city, username, 
firstname) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
        bind => [Ohr, null, null, Hamburg, test0r, Test]

Can anybody tell where this error comes from?

Bastian Voigt
Neumünstersche Straße 4
20251 Hamburg
telefon +49 - 40  - 67957171
mobil   +49 - 179 - 4826359

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