[postgis-users] How can I make geo-reference

Amrita p amritaprasad1 at rediffmail.com
Tue Nov 27 02:14:23 PST 2007

Thanks for ur reply.
But I didn't get your point.

My point is - I have shape file but it contains geometry in meters form. I want to convert it into lat/log format.

I am using openmap as front end and in front end we can display only that shape file which is lat/log format.

Any idea abt this..


On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 Dave Potts wrote :
>Amrita p wrote:
>You need what is called a projection file, it defines the projection to be used with a given a shape file, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile for the details.
>The following is a shape file for the uk ordnace survey, if you shape file is called foo, then you need to create a file called foo.shp, with this content
>If you need the text for a different projection system, have a look at the contents of the table spatial_ref_sys, you should find something that matches in there.
>>  Hi All!
>>I have  file with extension .shp, .dbf, .shx but this shape file in not geo-reference.
>>I want to make the shape file geo-reference...
>>How can I do the above..
>>If any body has any idea abt this please help me..
>>Thanks in advance.
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