[postgis-users] ST_AsKML changes in 1.3.3

Dylan Beaudette debeaudette at ucdavis.edu
Fri Dec 19 17:17:51 PST 2008

On Thursday 18 December 2008, Eduin Carrillo wrote:
> I apologize to arrive late to this discussion. I want to clear some things:
> - As Google Earth only supports WGS84 projection, PROJ.4 is required to
> ensure correct transformation from any SRS to WGS84 This requisite is on
> lwgeom_kml.c but not in lwpostgis.sql.in.c. So users will see KML functions
> even if compiled without PROJ.4 support.
> - _STAsKML is an internal function to wrap all AsKML calls before geometry
> is transformed into 4326. This function was previously called AsUKML ("u"
> for "unprojected") on first versions of my patch. Lately it was renamed to
> _STAsKML for compatybility with AsGML functions. Any call to _STAsKML(geom)
> returns pseudo KML with coordinates in native SRS, not useful in Google
> Earth.

Thanks for the clarification. I will double check to make sure that configure 
picked up the proj installation.



Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

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