[postgis-users] KML Export

Alexander Von Luenen Alex.von-Luenen at port.ac.uk
Tue Jul 14 01:50:15 PDT 2009

Well, there's the OGR tools (ogr2ogr in this case) which can write GML and KML files, and read from Postgres/PostGIS databases: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/

The OGR is actually a library, so you get an C/C++ (and also Python, I think) API. That should allow you to integrate it into a PHP wrapper.


Dr Alexander von Luenen
Senior Research Associate
Great Britain Historical GIS
Dept. of Geography
University of Portsmouth
Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace
Portsmouth, PO1 3HE, UK
tel: +44-(0)23-9284-2500
fax: +44-(0)23-9284-2512

>>> Stefan Schwarzer <stefan.schwarzer at grid.unep.ch> 14/07/2009 07:33 >>>
Hi there,

I made a tour on Google to look around if there exist some KML export  
tool. I've seen the Set_AsKML command; I've seen this dicussion; and  
have found that someone wrote a script for postgis; and a phyton script.

But it seems that there is no easy-way-to-go export/wrapper script,  
enabling for example the execution of pgsql2kml...

Or can someone give be a hint how to develop a KML export for a PHP  
based Data Portal?

Thanks for any help,


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