[postgis-users] Documentation for PostGIS raster format / binary encoding?

Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski me at komzpa.net
Tue Jan 21 13:11:04 PST 2020


Does this help?

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 12:06 AM Felix Schütt <felix.schuett at maps4print.com>

> Hi,
> I'm currently working to understand the raster format of PostGIS,
> especially the binary encoding. Let's say that I have a bunch of binary
> data in a file format that raster2pgsql doesn't understand. I have a
> program that reads out the raster data of that file and now I want to
> insert it into postgis. I have the width and height of the image, the
> coordinates of the image corners, the EPSG code and the binary image
> data. My question is, how do I construct an SQL query (INSERT or COPY
> statement) to insert the data into a table. Using a different file
> format, raster2pgsql is able to construct a query like this:
> CREATE TABLE "n00e010.srtmgl3.hgt" ("rid" serial PRIMARY KEY,"rast"
> raster);
> INSERT INTO "n00e010.srtmgl3.hgt" ("rast") VALUES ('00100 [... LOTS OF
> NUMBERS ...]'::raster);
> END;
> However, I don't know how to construct the binary stream in the "LOTS OF
> NUMBERS" part. The public documentation
> (https://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.1/RT_reference.html) is extremely
> sparse on documenting how the binary data is formatted, which is
> probably the most important part. What is "scaleX", "scaleY", "ipX",
> "ipY" and where do I get them from (and why are they set to 0.5 in the
> example)? (Also, if I run the example and try to add the layer in QGIS
> 2.18, I somehow can't add the raster layer?) Why is the raster data
> inserted as a second row, but in the output of raster2pgsql it's just a
> single row? Is the header of the binary data always the same or do the
> fields change based on the data type? The official docs basically just
> say "just use raster2pgsql lol", there is no documentation of how the
> binary stream is encoded beyond this single example.
> If I had an 3x3 *signed 16-bit integer* array of bytes (just greyscale),
> how would I go about formatting the binary stream so that PostGIS
> accepts them and I can display them in QGIS (using PostGIS 3.0.1 and
> PostgreSQL 12)? Is there a spec? Where should the image data go and how
> is it encoded (especially regarding 16-bit integers instead of 8-bit
> ones like in the example)?
> Thanks in advance for any help and thanks for creating PostGIS,
> Felix
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Darafei Praliaskouski
Support me: http://patreon.com/komzpa
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