[postgis-users] Prorate values along a line feature based on length.

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Jan 5 09:03:54 PST 2022


Ok, this is sort of a weird one (to me).

I have a feature dataset of MutliLineStrings, all with no Z value, but with a Elevation attribute on each end.   I need to prorate the elevation for each vertex along the line based on the distance for either/or each of the ends.

I was planning on attaching this from the client side originally, but though I would ask here if anyone has tried a SQL approach to extracting/creating.

Maybe recreate the feature with the attiributes on the fly?  Then extract the vertex info.  The intent is to import into a CAD application and build a 3D CAD model.

Anyway, any thoughts?


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