[postgis-users] version for St_offsetCurve

Simon Greener simon at spdba.com.au
Wed May 4 23:34:03 PDT 2022

Oops forgot version info.

select postgis_full_version();

POSTGIS="2.5.3 r17699" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="100" GEOS="3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1 " PROJ="Rel. 6.2.1, November 1st, 2019" GDAL="GDAL 3.0.2, released 2019/10/28" LIBXML="2.9.1" LIBJSON="0.11" LIBPROTOBUF="1.0.2" RASTER

⁣39 Cliff View Drive
Allens Rivulet Tas 7150
(W) 0418 396 391​

On 5 May 2022, 16:29, at 16:29, Simon Greener <simon.greener at brisbane.qld.gov.au> wrote:
>select postgis_full_version();
>POSTGIS="2.5.3 r17699" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="100" GEOS="3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1
>" PROJ="Rel. 6.2.1, November 1st, 2019" GDAL="GDAL 3.0.2, released
>2019/10/28" LIBXML="2.9.1" LIBJSON="0.11" LIBPROTOBUF="1.0.2" RASTER
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