[postgis-users] a bug sumbit (st_within)

jess_spring jess_spring at aliyun.com
Mon Aug 21 01:16:22 PDT 2023

It seems like a bug when i use "ST_Within" with multi-points.
Like : 
(102 50,98 51,97 57,55 98,45 53,53 102,48 45,52 50,102 54,45 97,48 101,102 45,57 54,98 53,55 51,48 49,57 54,54 103))'::geometry
(102 50,98 51,97 57,55 98,45 53,53 102,48 45,52 50,102 54,45 97,48 101,102 45,57 54,98 53,55 51,48 49,57 54,54 103)
,(102 50,98 51,103 9))'::geometry
It return false ,but it should be true obviously.
since from jess,China.
wish heard from you!
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