[postgis-devel] Turning spatial_ref_sys into a view to separate system vs. user entries

Raúl Marín raul at rmr.ninja
Wed Feb 2 06:08:09 PST 2022

On 2022-02-02 14:29, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> What do you think ?


I can't really comment on this specific feature (view per user) since 
I've never had that specific need but currently there are a couple of 
pains with spatial_ref_sys that I think should be tackled (at some point 
in the future, not necessarily now):

* The table rows don't exists on pg_upgrade. The table is created, then 
other tables are created, then the table is populated. This makes it 
impossible to have an index over ST_Transform [1].

* The table contains definitions that might be outdated or imprecise and 
PROJ has already way better alternatives for them. PROJ is already doing 
all the heavy lifting to keep good definitions and transformations so I 
think the default behaviour should be to defer to it, and only keep new 
(re-)definitions under spatial_ref_sys.


[1] - https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/4405

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