[postgis-users] WKB Driver

David Garnier david.garnier at etudier-online.com
Thu Jul 11 15:08:40 PDT 2002


I wrote a WKB driver for PostGIS in Java, meaning a JDBC driver that can read data from PostGIS using the Well-Know Binary format. It's three times faster than the actual method of going through the PostGIS classes. Also, this driver was built with modularity in mind and can easily be extented to support any geographical toolkit. Right now I have written one simple factory for the OpenMap toolkit (http://openmap.bbn.com) and a complete one for JTS (http://

I'm planning to release it shortly, but first I need some help to built the test harness. The data I have in my PostGIS installation is composed only of MultiLineStrings records, so I can't test the other features (GeometryCollections, Polygons, LinearRings...).

If you have some data that would fit the bill, could you send a sample?
In order to do that, you can paste the following query into a file (for example wkb4j.sql):

select the_geom from your_table limit 1000;

and then extract the data using this psql command:

psql  -f wkb4j.sql -o wkb4j.dmp your_db

This command should work under Unix and Windows, but you might have to adjust it according to your environment: logins, passwords... Feel free to customize the query. The more diverse the data, the better the test harness!

Finally you just have to mail wkb4j.dmp back to me (david.garnier at etudier-online.com)

Since this data will probably end up as a component of the test harness, it should come with no strings attached. Of course your name (and the name of your company if you wish) will endup in the credits.

Best Regards,
David Garnier

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